Poster Session

Somaye Mahmoodi, Umut Durak, Torsten Gerlach, Sven Hartmann and Andrea D’Ambrogio
TU Clausthal, TU Clausthal, DLR, TU Clausthal, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Tailoring CMMI Engineering Process Areas for Simulation Systems Engineering

Jithin Mohan, Stefan Hartmann, Leonhard Ganzer and Birger Hagemann
TU Clausthal
Numerical Simulation of Gas-well Casing Shoe

Stefan H. A. Wittek
TU Clausthal
Learning State Mappings in Multi-Level-Simulation

Fabian Sigges and Marcus Baum
University of Goettingen
Simulation-based Multiple Object Tracking using Ensemble Kalman Filter


Event Timeslots (1)

Seminarraum 2
posters will be hung out during the whole workshop